



Dear Friend,


I know it sounds too good to be true, but perhaps not when I tell you that all I’m doing is following The Establishment’s secret money trail. How do you think The Establishment became so rich…?


Also, perhaps it won’t sound too good to be true when you realize that you only have to double a thousand dollars ten times to turn it into a million, as shown below:


$1000, $2000, $4,000, $8,000, $16,000, $32,000, $64,000, $128,000, $256,000, $512,000, $1,024,000!


And, when you’re following this elitist money trail, you could double your money within a few days- the first step I doubled my mom’s money with was actually done in 48 hours!


Please allow me a few minutes, and I’ll explain why I sent you this letter. As well as being an international bestselling author, I’m now a self-made millionaire who never needs to work again, thanks to the secrets I’ve discovered. But my dear old mom is struggling...


I offered to buy her a house for cash instead of going to live with my sister, but she refused. I had to practically force her to accept the keys to the new car I bought her after her old car’s wheels fell off. No, literally one wheel actually fell off! But I had a plan to get around her stubborn pride and let her enjoy her golden years in style…


She’s following ‘their’ footsteps to a cool million…


I persuaded her to help herself simply by following what I refer to as The Establishment’s secret money trail. I’ve got all the money I need now, but I’ve come out of retirement to accomplish two things:

       Make mom a millionaire
. Starting with a thousand dollars of her savings, the goal is to double it ten times, keeping the money in the pot, and turn it into a MILLION dollars. As I’ve said, starting with a grand, you only have to double it ten times to turn it into a million! As I write, the first two steps are complete. It’s not a million yet, but we’re well on our way! It’s not too late for you to join the party…


            2.       Build testimonials for my new book. I want to teach everyday people to use this system so they can turn a thousand dollars into a million dollars, and expose an Establishment scam in the process, just like I did with my last book.


So now you know why I’m writing, please let me explain how this works so you can decide if you’d like to hop aboard mom’s express ride to a luxury retirement…


You don’t get rich taking silly chances…


Here’s how all this started. I won’t bore you with the violins, but I once had a depressing existence that I was desperate to escape from. As a result, I ended up on mailing lists of people who wanted to make money from home, so all the get-rich-quick ads poured onto my doormat.


All those schemes seemed way too haphazard for me to count on for an income. I guessed that even if I could make something like that work, I wasn’t going to make serious wealth from it.


And that’s what I wanted: serious wealth that would mean I never had to work again if I chose not to. And it had to be something that worked quickly, and didn’t require a degree in rocket science or years of back-breaking work!


I was about to discover that this was no fantasy…


The fastest and easiest path to wealth…


            I then learned that all legitimate paths to true wealth creation boil down to just three things: business, real estate, and stock market. That’s it. If you want to make serious money, your only choice is one or a combination of these three. Here are my thoughts on each of these paths, based on hard experience…


            Starting and running a regular business is hard work, and you can lose money. Real estate is great if you time it right, but if you want the big bucks that’s a waiting game, and I didn’t want to die before I struck it rich! So that left the stock market…


            Not made any money from stocks? That’s because there are stocks for ‘them’, and stocks for us. And The Establishment keeps this money trail quiet, as I’m about to PROVE to you…


            Now that I know how to track The Establishment’s secret money trail, I believe it’s the fastest and easiest path to serious wealth that an average person with average intelligence can have, before they’re too old to care.


            With this, you could double your money each time you use it. A thousand becomes a MILLION if you double it ten times, keeping the money in the pot as you go. That’s how small amounts turn into life-changing amounts.


But it took me a long time to figure out how to perfect this and that the key is to make things simple, not complicated. If you’ve ever tried to bet on a stock rising, only to watch it sink, you’re about to learn why…


Maybe you’ve watched a stock rise in price, and then fantasized about how much money you’d have made if you had bought it? I was the same- I could see the possibilities of fast and large gains. But how could I possibly know which stocks would rise quickly, and make me rich? I knew stocks went up and down, but that was about it, and I knew I wanted to avoid the ones that went down…


Like a big game of Chutes and Ladders, I wanted to avoid all the ‘chutes’, and just ride those ladders up! And so my quest began…


I tried everything


            That’s when it hit me: there were literally thousands of stocks to choose from. It was like playing the lottery- how could I possibly know which would be the winners? It was like trying to find a needle in a haystack! But there was no shortage of ‘gurus’ who reckoned they ‘knew’ which stocks would go up… if I paid them some money, of course!


            But I took a leap of faith, and I bought all the stock tips, trading systems, and courses that I could get my hands on. I excitedly plunged in and out of stocks on a whim and a whisper from the ‘experts’, I read the Wall Street Journal, I felt clever and important, and I told all my friends that I was a ‘trader’ now. Wow, what a winner.


No, what a loser


This big shot, insider-businessman was secretly losing money, but kept topping up the trading account balance to protect the illusion. Talk about good money after bad! When I finally stoked up the courage to check my account, the reality hurt. Even though I won some and lost some I still ended up losing overall. The temptation was to walk away from the whole thing in disgust, but I could see some stocks making their owners a fortune….


It was there for anyone to see- some stocks had doubled, tripled, or even quadrupled. Those would’ve made me a fortune had I bought only those ones.


But almost every time I bought a stock it went straight down! It was like the stock market hated me. To rub salt in the wound, whenever I bailed out of a stock after it fell, it went straight up again! And whenever I cashed in on what profits I did see by selling a stock, that stock went higher the next day!


            It felt like a conspiracy to make the poor poorer, and the rich richer.


            What was I doing wrong? Why did it seem like there was some kind of conspiracy to make me lose!? As I was about to throw the towel in, I glared at the headline for the stock tip promotion I’d been suckered into:


“100% WIN RATE!”


            What a fool I’d been. I mean, who can realistically claim a 100% win rate? Then it dawned on me: Precisely. Who can claim that…?


Who can claim that? Only the people who actually KNOW the outcome of an event… because they control the event.


            It’s a license to print money for them. Let me explain…


Stocks go up because of lots of big buying, right? The more the demand there is for something, the higher the price goes. So if you’re the people doing all that buying, you pretty much KNOW which stocks will be going up as a result!


Listen, The Establishment controls billions and billions of dollars through the banking system. Certain stocks go up simply because The Establishment has decided that those stocks will go up from all their buying. The whole thing is a self-fulfilling prophecy, and nobody can argue with me on this point. FACT: stocks go up because of massive buying, it’s that simple!


You already KNOW this is true…


            What if YOU 100% knew the outcome of a bet? How much money would YOU slap down on it? More importantly, how soon would you turn a grand into a MILLION…?


I just had to follow the money. On the day this revelation dawned on me, I decided I would make it my quest to follow The Establishment’s money trail into certain stocks, so I could get rich from the rich…


Finding Aladdin’s Cave…


            First, I did a post-mortem on my tax-free trading account, and looked at what each stock had done since I had touched it. A few stocks had actually gone up, so I homed in on them to see if I could see a pattern. After I’d sold it, one stock had steadily risen. But it had done more than simply ‘gone up’; there was something distinctly mechanical or even man-made about the way it had gone up: the price had risen in a series of very obvious ‘steps’…


            Like a secret stairway, The Establishment’s money trail appeared to be ‘stepping’ upwards in an obvious way. All I had to do was literally follow in those footsteps, all the way up to the pot of gold!


            My heart racing at the discovery, I researched some more about this ‘stepping’ stock I’d sold way too soon. Nobody I spoke to had heard of this stock, and no newsletter or newspaper had mentioned it. But it was going up in clear steps that were not random like most other stocks- this price pattern was definitely man-made. And its stride wasn’t interrupted on the days the market took a dive- this beauty just marched to the beat of its own drum without a care for if the market sunk, like it did during ‘Brexit’…


And by buying the stocks The Establishment wanted in stages like this- in steps- their purchases would escape mainstream (and tipster) attention- the rising price would be too stealthy. It all made perfect sense- I just needed to find more of these obviously rising, ‘stepping’ stocks, so I could jump aboard them.


So I decided to stop doing any hard work or listening to tipsters, and to just blindly follow the money, like a secret partner with The Establishment.


I could now see what ‘they’ didn’t want me to see…


How ‘they’ cover their tracks…


            Let me explain how obvious it is when you actually see the ‘rising steps’ of money that I’m talking about. Predict what number comes next in this sequence:


20, 25, 30, 35, __.


As any child would see, the numbers are going up five at a time, just counting in fives, so the next number is 40, right…?


As you can see below, I just doubled my money the other day doing nothing more than correctly predicting the next number as 40! It’s like a fun hobby for me these days…!


(Above: bought for $3.14 and sold for $7.60. Profit is far right.)


You see, the problems people have with stock trading arise because they assume it needs to be difficult, and so they make it difficult. The solution is to think the opposite way and to keep it simple, just blindly following the big money of The Establishment. I can’t guarantee a 100% win rate, anything can happen, but whenever this system is used correctly it’s never failed me


Now, I’m not saying that these stocks are literally a secret or kept in a vault somewhere! But I am saying that it makes sense for The Establishment to keep quiet about the stocks they’ve decided to acquire, so in that sense, yes, it’s a secret. You see, The Establishment want to acquire these stocks in steps, so not to get noticed or drive the price up too high before they’ve filled their greedy pockets with all the shares they can get their hands on. Only then will they gladly let the cat out of the bag, so that everyone buys the stock, sending the price higher… so that they can SELL that stock for a big profit!


Are you starting to see why nothing has worked for you so far…?


You were The Establishment’s sucker. But not anymore…


So that’s my biggest and most controversial trading secret, and it’s how I’m turning my mom’s thousand dollars into a million in ten trades. Care to come along for the ride…?


Let’s double our way to a million, together


What would you do with a million dollars…?


If you’re lucky enough to claim a very limited spot, I’ll text and email you the exact trades to make, as I’m making them for mom. It’s that simple.


Like I said, I’ve come up with a challenge to prove my methods and help out my mom. I’ve taken $1,000 of my mother’s savings, and I’m aiming to turn it into a MILLION dollars in just ten stock trades. That means I have to double the money just ten times, by cherry-picking the very best trades I can find. How would you like to do the same? I’ll let you know which trades to make and when, so I’ll be aiming to turn YOUR $1,000 into a MILLION at the same time…!


Of course, there are no guarantees in the stock market, so I can’t say for sure that it will happen in ten straight trades, but who cares if we have a few double-digit winners in between our double-your-money trades?!


The fact of the matter is that these trades will ONLY be made when all the stars are aligned for the perfect stock, so we’ll have the odds completely in our favor. That way, even if the trade doesn’t go perfectly as planned, it’s still much more likely to end up as a 50% winner than a loser.


But the big bankers and Wall Street elite are always looking for BIG money, so I expect BIG gains every single time…


It’s time for my mother to start enjoying the luxurious retirement she deserves. Don’t YOU deserve the same?


Copy My ‘Million Dollar Trades’ in 5 Minutes


I’ll be doing ALL the work for you. So by the time I send a recommendation alert to your phone and email inbox, all you’ll have to do is take 5 minutes to follow my ultra-specific, step-by-step instructions.


Even if you’ve never made a single trade in your life, I’ll give you everything you need to do so by holding your hand and walking you through the entire process. Believe me, it’s much easier than you probably think. And it will feel like magic when you spend 5 minutes to follow that first recommendation and watch as much as $1,000 OR MORE flood into your account…


Once you’re signed up for a trading account, which is very easy to do, all you do is hit a few buttons when and where I’ll specifically tell you, and then you sit back and see how big the profits get!


And DO NOT worry if you don’t have a huge amount of capital saved up to start with. For the ‘Make Mom a Millionaire’ project, the starting amount is $1,000, but you can start with whatever you want. Even a hundred is normally enough to get started with most brokers.


Also remember, these are the SAME trades I’m making myself! I’ll be just as invested as you…


They Can’t Stop Us from Milking This…


It’s discoveries, research, and revolutionary trading techniques like this that are why you’ve probably seen us in The Wall Street Journal, Yahoo Finance, The International Business Times, and so many other highly-respected publications.


And once you’re on the inside with us, where you’re accessing our highest-quality research, the Big Banks and Wall Street Elite won’t be able to stop you from milking this alongside us…


The doors are closed for ‘them’, but they’re cracked open for the deserving little guy like you and I. So how much would you part with to finally reach the inside? How much would you pay for me to tell you exactly what to trade and when to trade it, just as I’m doing myself?


I think you’re about to be pleasantly surprised...


I’m Doubling My Money for Fun…Just Copy Me!


What makes me so special? Why should you follow my lead? What can we offer that other people can’t?


Listen, I’m not here to twist your arm. I’m simply showing you what I’m doing on a weekly basis and giving you the opportunity to copy my trades if you’d like…and believe me, my mother is liking it so far…


She’s no longer satisfied with 20%, 40%, or even 50% gains (I suppose it’s my own fault for creating this ‘monster’!). Instead, she expects AT LEAST double-her-money gains from these trades. But I can see why – I’m basically doubling my money on trades as a hobby these days!


Here’s one from a couple weeks ago (these are real screenshots from my real trading account):


(Above: bought for $1.38 and sold for $3.00. Profit is far right.)


I opened the trade with $981.11 and closed it for a net gain of $1,103.73! That’s more than double my money…or should I say, more than double my mother’s money!


That could have been YOUR first step in turning $1,000 into $1 MILLION!


But don’t worry – you didn’t miss the boat. Since the aim of each trade is to double your money, it doesn’t matter when you begin. Below is another double-my-money trade from a few days ago:


(Above: bought for $0.75 and sold for $1.50. Profit is far right.)


I opened the trade with $765.24 and closed it for a net gain of $719.49! And this trade happened because I had a few extra hundred dollars that wasn’t already invested, so I decided to pick out another trade and basically double my money in the span of a few days!


In fact, these double-your-money gainers have become so normal that I’ve decided to give them their own name…


The Highfliers Turning My Mom into a Millionaire


These incredibly consistent and regular trades that are changing my mother’s life forever are now what I call my Highfliers. And every time I find a new one, I send it straight to my mother via text and email, just like a hotline. And now I could start doing the same for YOU as early as TODAY…


Since I’m already picking out these Highfliers and sending them to my mom, why don’t you just tag along for the ride? For a select few of my members, I’m opening up this Highfliers Hotline and granting direct access to the exact trades I’m making to turn my mom’s $1,000 into $1,000,000.


If you’re able to claim a seat on this high-speed money train, you’ll receive the same alerts I send my mother.


So, I’ll do all the work for you:

·         I’ll comb through the market every day looking for a highflier to trade…
         I’ll Pick out the perfect trades and decide when to trade them…
         I’ll put together complete instructions on how I’m making the trade myself…


And when I’ve done all that, I’ll send a recommendation alert via text and email to everyone on the Highfliers Hotline! All you would have to do is copy me!


Again, all the work is done for you. You simply take 5 minutes to follow simple directions when an alert comes through. Even if you’ve never traded before, I’ll provide you with a full welcome pack that walks you through each and every step, from opening a trading account to placing specific trades based on my alerts.


It’s NOT complicated, and you DO NOT need to have any experience with stocks or computers.


As my mother can tell you, making real, life changing money has never been faster or easier than it is when you have direct access to the Highfliers Hotline!


Imagine the Moment You’ll Tell Your Family You’re a Millionaire…


I’ll never forget the moment I told my wife and kids that we’d be financially free forever. It’s not something that most people get to do, unfortunately. But I’m living proof that someone CAN go from nothing but debt to that incredibly special moment…


…Now it’s YOUR turn to tell your spouse that you’re a millionaire, your kids that you can send them to the best schools, and your entire family that they’ll never have to worry about money again!


And Highfliers Hotline could be your one and only chance…


That’s why you’re not just getting a stock recommendation every once in a while from this. No, when you gain access to the Highfliers Hotline, you’ll receive ALL of the following:

         A complete Welcome Pack that will walk you through every aspect of Highfliers Hotline, from opening a trading account to filling out a trade ticket to gaining incredible leverage through a powerful little secret I like to use to double my money when a stock moves as little as 5% or 10%!

         Access to MY TRADES. You’ll see the exact trades I’m making myself to turn my mother’s $1,000 into a MILLION! In addition to the double-your-money trades, why not make some easy profits from the additional trades – like the 20% and 50% winners – that I’ll be making in between as well? You’ll get access to those, too!    

         Email alerts. These alerts will contain specific recommendations with simple directions that tell you what to buy, when to buy it, and how to do so!

         Text alerts. In addition to email alerts and updates, I’ll also send trade recommendations straight to your phone for your convenience. And as you’ll see in the Welcome Pack, you can execute the trades on your phone if you’d like, so this entire thing can be done from your smartphone!   

         BONUS #1: Rapid Retirement Income Report – In addition to showing you the 2 secret rules that could allow you to retire in paradise tomorrow, this special report also hands you the secret to getting an extra $620 a month in retirement. And that’s just the start…With Highfliers Hotline, you’re headed straight for a luxury retirement. This report is the key to making that retirement perfect for YOU!


·         BONUS #2: The Total Profit Accelerator Report – This special report gives you access to one of the Wall Street Elite’s most powerful tools, and shows you how to rip hundreds of dollars in instant payouts out of the Big Banks over and over again!


As you can see, this isn’t just another stock recommendation service – this could be your entire retirement plan!


Confidential: For Your Eyes Only


Like I mentioned before, the Big Banks are happily willing to part with upwards of $100,000 to get their hands on a service like this to use for themselves. Then they provide the same service to the little guy like you and I for $5,000 a year.


And to be honest, it’s actually a steal at $5,000 for an entire year of Highfliers Hotline alerts when you consider that just the third double-your-money trade will turn $1,000 into $8,000…!


But you’re not going to have to pay nearly that much to gain access to the Highfliers Hotline. Instead, I’m offering the one-time special price of just $997 for an entire year of Highfliers Hotline. That’s 80% OFF what the price should be! Why am I offering this price? Well, the discount is only available for Wall Street Informer members. This is just another incentive for potential members to join…and a benefit you get to enjoy for already being a member!


So, while the regular non-member will have to part with $5,000 to gain access, you can do so for 80% less!


If by now you aren’t seeing this as the biggest no-brainer you’ve ever come across, with respect, I seriously wonder what you think will be a no-brainer! I’ve made this as attractive as possible not as a ‘big sell’, but so I can ensure I only get the people who are most likely to make money- because I want to write about how those people became millionaires in my next book.


But I understand if you’re a bit hesitant because you’ve been burned by recommendation services from the other guys before. That’s why I’m going to give you total peace of mind with two incredible guarantees that you won’t see anyone else offer…



30-Day Money-Back Guarantee!


Go ahead and gain instant access to the Highfliers Hotline and the trades I’m using to try and turn $1,000 of my mother’s savings into $1 Million! If at any point over the next 30 days (which will include multiple alerts) you decide that this is not for you, simply contact us to let us know and we’ll give you a full and fast refund of everything you paid for this, less a 20% screening fee (to protect us from those who would defraud us by profiting from those recommendations for 30 days and then refunding). In effect, this is a 30-day trial for you to try Highfliers Hotline with almost no risk for you!



Make Money or Get Your Money Back!


Nobody else does this, but I’m so confident in the ridiculous moneymaking power of this service that I can make a no-brainer guarantee that NOBODY else that I’ve seen offers…I guarantee that the portfolio for this service will be in profit over this calendar year, or you can get your money back for the year’s subscription! That means you will make money if you follow the alerts over this calendar year, guaranteed, or your money back!


Like I said, nobody else is willing to offer guarantees like that, but it’s easy for me to do so because of how confident I am in Highfliers Hotline. It includes the exact same trades that I’m making for my mom and I, after all!


            But there’s only enough room for a tiny amount of my subscribers to follow along…

Only 0.68% of my subscribers can join mom…


As I’ve already said, this is NOT available to the Big Banks. This is for the “Average Joe” who truly deserves it, and I intend for it to stay that way forever. So, I can only admit 0.68% of Wall Street Informer subscribers into this small circle of trust in order to keep tabs and make sure that the Big Banks never catch wind of this.


So how can I decide who the few lucky people are to be allowed a seat at the table and be given mom’s trades that I’m making for her?


It’s a matter of first come, first served.


            The faster you apply, the more guaranteed you are of a place.


            I realize that people are reading this at different times, so don’t worry because I’m releasing available slots in blocks. But that still means you’ll need to act immediately…!


Simply click here to reserve your place for the Highfliers Hotline to start receiving the exact trades I’m making for my mother as I try to turn her $1,000 into $1,000,000 as soon as possible!


Don’t sell yourself short and don’t deny yourself an incredible opportunity. You deserve to be rewarded for your desire, you deserve to receive these trade recommendations, and you deserve to be a millionaire!


I hope you’re successful in getting a place…


I want to make you and my mom a millionaire with these 10 trades…


            Five years down the line you could:


·         Be struggling to keep up with bills and debt, wondering how you’ll ever make it to any sort of retirement…




·         Be telling your spouse and children how they’ll never want for anything again because you’re now a millionaire!


            I’m putting all my efforts behind turning my mom’s $1,000 into a MILLION, and I’d like to do the same for you. If I’m doing it for her anyway, why not simply let you come along for the ride?


Please click here to reserve your place now!


Your friend,

   Jim Samson.

P.S. I assume you have zero experience and knowledge of stock trading, so I’ll give you absolutely everything you need – from beginner’s instructions to exact recommendations – in order to follow along as I make mom a millionaire!




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